Friday 30 April 2010

Evaluation - In What Ways does your Media Product Use, Develop or Challenge Forms and Conventions of Real Media Products?

Within all of our products we didn't show our advertised product at the end of the advert. This is different to most chocolate adverts as they tend to wrap up their advert with an image of the chocolate. For example, within the Snickers adverts the chocolate is seen many times within the advert but only in it's wrapper. Then when it comes to the end of the advert they either show an image of the chocolate in it's wrapper or their spokesman taking a bite from the chocolate bar. During our adverts we only show our product once. Within the advert in the store it is shown in an extreme close-up of a hand taking it out of a trouser pocket. From there, it is taken into a Mid-shot of the customer unwrapping the chocolate and then eating it. Within the Running Track advert the chocolate is not seen until after the flashback. By showing the product being eaten within the advert we are challenging the conventions that are associated with other adverts.

The first advert that we made was set in a large store. Because of the large space we had to use shots where the majority of the frame was taken up by the subjects. However, later in the advert there is a shot where the customer picks up the box and leaves. From this shot the Sales Assistant is left standing on his own. As the majority of the frame is taken up by the surroundings after the customer leaves it makes the Sales Assistant look inferior to the audience.

Within each advert we used repetition of certain elements. For example, we used the same voice for the voice overs that we inserted into each advert. We also included that same images at the end of both television adverts and included the product logo within the Sponsorship Sequence. The idea of repetition with adverts is common within other adverts. For example, Cadburys always include their slogan and logo at the end of each of their adverts. They also tend to use a purple colour within their adverts that co insides with the colour that they are associated with.

We also used special effects that would remain with the audience after they have finished watching the adverts. We used high-speed movement within the store advert and slow-motion movement within the running track advert. These special effects will stay with the audience long after the advert is finished because these effects are not usually seen within chocolate adverts. Therefore, our adverts will stick out from the adverts that would be our competition.

Another effect that we used within the Running Track advert was a white fade into a shot of a race in Sepia colours. From that shot a white fade takes the advert back into the present. We used the combination of a white fade and sepia colours to effectively show that the main character had experienced a flashback. This effect is challenging the conventions of real media products as we could not find any other chocolate adverts that included a flashback. The flashback is another reason why our advert will stand out from other media products.

Our Sponsorship Sequence contrasts to our TV adverts as the chocolate can be seen straight away. However, we do not actually show the chocolate being eaten. Instead the character in the sequence reaches for the chocolate in one sequence and then in the next the wrapper is shown spread out in pieces across the top of the piano.

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