Wednesday 16 December 2009

Research - Snickers Advert Analysis

Snickers Advert
This advert was created to appeal to the male population and for the promotion of the Snickers chocolate bar. The advert consists of several men playing football before one of them fakes an injury. This causes a man driving a tank to come onto the football pitch and threaten to hurt the man if he ever fakes an injury again. The advert is mainly aimed at men as it uses objects such as a tank that is deemed masculine, strong aggressive music, harsh dialogue and the slogan "Get Some Nuts" that can actually be referenced as a slang term growing male genitalia. The actual product that the advert is portraying is only shown at the end, when the spokesman takes a bite of the product before saying the slogan. This shows that create a successful advert you don't actually need to show the product. The product could just be referenced too at the end of the advert while the rest of the advert portrays the product as something that inspires manliness. This usage of limited product viewing is effective as it allows the audience to see a sort of personality that accompanies the buyers of the actual product. The use of manly images and music such as football, a tank and the strong aggressive music in the background surrounds the product with masculine feel and directly appeals to the male population.

The adverts for Snickers are aimed mainly at any aged males due to the use of strong aggressive non-diegetic. music and harsh dialogue. The demographic audience for Snickers based on this advert would be Males aged around 16 and above due to the age and gender of the characters displayed within the advert. The advert aims to appeal to men of working or middle class status. Due to the masculine feel of the advert it has shown to give the illusion that by buying this product men will feel more manly and as the slogan suggests 'Get Some Nuts.'

Snickers Football Advert

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