Tuesday 12 January 2010

Research - Advertising In General

Advertising is a form of communication intended to persuade its viewers. readers or listeners to take some action. Adverts usually include the name of a product or service and explains in what way the product or service can benefit the customer.

There are many different types of advertising and almost any medium can be used to advertise a product or service. Advertisements can be shown on any surface such as buildings, bus shelters, banners and many more. Adverts can also be shown through the use of the media. These are television, radio, print, cinemas, online advertising and any other type of media.

Media Methods of Advertising
Television adverts are the most popular form of media advertising as people of any age can sit down and watch a television. The majority of television adverts come with a jingle that is designed to stay with the target audience and remind them of the product in a bid to get them to buy the product or service.

Radio adverts are restricted to advertising purely by sound alone so they have to be catchy and entertaining to listen too. Therefore, radio adverts almost certainly contain music that will stay with the audience long after the advert has ended.

Print adverts are shown through the visual medium of newspapers, magazines or trade journals. Print advertisements can be shown in a small local scale to a national scale depending on the desired range the product that is being advertised.

Online advertising use the Internet and World Wide Web to accomplish the desired effect of delivering advertising messages to it's target audience. Online adverts can be seen as banner ads, search engine results, spam emails and more.

Toys provide a wide range of marketing items but die to the current economic state it wouldn't be the best product to advertise as most working class and some middle class families may be unable to afford the product so the advertising campaign would be unsuccessful.

Cars and Electrical items would not be easy to advertise as we have to create the actual product that we are going to show. We would be unable to build a prototype car or electrical item within the allotted time.

As we would have to create our own product to advertise it would be difficult create a new item of clothing and successfully advertise it as most clothes lines advertise more than one item of clothing in one advert. In order to create a successful advertising campaign we would have to create more than one piece of clothing and it would take too long.

With travel we would have to actually show the destination that we are advertising in order to be convincing. We don't have a large enough budget to allow to find an original destination and successfully advertise it.

Confectionery would most likely be the best product to advertise as there is a wide range of products in that area with new products emerging all the time. We would be able to create a product easily and successfully create an advertising campaign. Sweets also appeal to most people so creating a successful advert would be the easiest to do using a confectionery product.

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