Tuesday 26 January 2010

Research - Guinness Advert Analysis

This advert didn’t actually show the product at all until the end. The advert was based purely around the Slogan for the product instead of the product itself. The advert consists of several men bringing the world to live.

Mise en Scene
Lots of different locations that are all outside.
Breathtaking scenery – Waterfalls, Oceans, Snowy Fields next to a forest.
Lots of different colours.
Nature is shown to its full extent.

This advert is aimed at middle aged and older men that work hard for a living as this type of man is shown within the advert. These men are shown to “bring the world to life” which is rewarded with the feeling of accomplishment that comes from working hard. The actual product is only shown for five seconds at the end of the advert. This shows that you don’t actually have to fully involve the product within the advert for it to be effective.

This advert is generally aimed towards men aged over 25 that would feature within the working class area of society. This is shown by the men that are featured within the advert. They are shown to work hard and create amazing scenes that they reward with the product. The men who would buy this product would be able to relate to the men in the advert and feel that they have worked hard enough to feel that they deserve the product as a reward.

Guinness Advert

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