Wednesday 3 February 2010

Planning - Treatment

The working title of our brand is Max Chocolate. This name may change during the production process.

We will be using different formats during production. For the television and sponsorship sequences we will be filming in DV format. For the radio, we will be recording onto an MP3 format.

The estimated duration of the television adverts will be a maximum of two minutes each, the radio advert will a maximum of one minute and the sponsorship sequence will be a maximum of 20 seconds.

The intended audience of our advertising campaign will be both males and females aged between 16 and 30 because this audience range will be able to understand that the contents of the advert cannot happen in reality. We have not aimed our campaign at an older audience because it is more common for the younger generation to buy our product than an older generation.

The first Television advert will contain a Male buying a large product that he is unable to carry. Instead of asking for help, he takes a bite of the product we are advertising and gains the strength/energy to lift up his purchased product.

The second Television advert will involve a small group of people pitching Max Chocolate to a "Big Name Celebrity" of our own creation. They will be over the top due to having eaten the product beforehand.

The radio advert will be a shorten version of the second television advert.

We will need to make sure that we create our adverts in line with Advertising Standards. We will need to make sure that our campaign doesn't give any false impressions to the viewing audience.

In order to successfully create our advertising campaign we require actors and dancers to play the different roles, filming and recording equipment, the product itself and various permissions to film in our chosen locations.

The deadline for the main task is 26th March and 9th April for the ancillary tasks.

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