Thursday 28 January 2010

Research - Baileys Sponsorship Sequences

Baileys Sponsorship Sequences
These sponsorship sequences all contain the same elements that eventually link to the slogan of the product. All of the sequences contain a man and a woman who romantically embrace and then move in for a kiss. At the last second of each sequence the woman is shown tilting her head to avoid the kiss and instead bringing a glass of the product up to drink instead. These sequences link to the product's slogan of 'Listen to your Lips' as the women decide that they want to drink the product instead of kiss the man that they have just embraced. The sequences clearly show the product in each one so that the audience definitely knows what the sequence is advertising. As the product is sponsoring a film channel each sequence is based upon a scene that you would be likely to see in a romantic film. This shows that the actual item of the sponsoring can be used effectively to create a link between the product and sponsored item to help effectively advertise the product better.

These sequences are clearly aimed at women over the age of 18 as the product is an alcoholic beverage. The sequences can be seen to be aimed at women because of the women that hold all the power in each sequence. People who also might be influenced into buying this product are people who decide to do as the slogan suggests and 'Listen to their Lips.' The sponsored item may also contribute to selling the product as people who watch the films shown on the sponsored channel might be influenced into buying the product through just seeing the sequences at the start and finish of each advert that occurs within the film they are watching.

Baileys Sponsorship Sequences - Go to Baileys

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