Thursday 28 January 2010

Research - Questionnaire Results Analysis

Questionnaire Results Analysis
I asked 20 people to fill in a question about advertising. The questionnaire featured questions that mainly addressed TV and Radio adverts because that links in with the assignment brief. From the questionnaire results I asked slightly more males than females but as the questionnaire was to just find out if people remembered some adverts better than others it didn't matter too much about having an even number of males to females.

I discovered from Question 4 that the majority of respondents watch either a lot of television or a fair amount. This shows that respondents are guaranteed to be exposed to advertising at some point during their viewing time. Also I found through the results that even though the majority of respondents answered that they do listen to the radio most of them actually find radio advertising annoying because it interferes with them listening to music. This means that my radio advert needs to contain music and have content that will appeal to radio listeners so that they don't find the advert annoying to listen to.

The television adverts that are often the most memorable are the ones that either have an annoying song within it or some strange content. For example, a couple of people said the Go Compare advert and the Evian Baby Dancing advert were adverts that remember well. The Go Compare advert has an annoying song within it that seems to get into your head so that you can't forget the advert or product/service. As long as the advert is in your mind then the product would sell because potential customers would be unable to forget it. The Evian Baby Dancing advert contains both a catchy song and strange content and audiences seem unable to forget it. From the respondents I also learned that they believe that Television advertising is the most effective. Combining the results from question 4 with question 13 shows that TV is easily going to be the most effective medium of advertising because of the amount of time people actually spend watching television.

My questionnaire was very helpful in discovering what the public believe is the best form of advertising and the majority gave the answer that I believed would be the most popular. From the results I have also learned what needs to be done to ensure that a radio advert is successful and the target audience don't instantly dismiss it when they hear it. The sponsorship sequence needs to be entertaining and memorable so that it stays with the target audience long after the sequence has finished. Remembering the findings from my questionnaire will ensure that I create entertaining adverts that will help to effectively promote the product in a successful advertising campaign.

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