Saturday 30 January 2010

Research - Qualitative Research

For this research we interviewed ourselves asking questions on the adverts we remember and why we remember them. The answers we received from the interviewees were their own opinions and we did not influence the answers in any way. From this research it has shown that the adverts that viewers remember the most are the ones that containing annoying or slightly shocking content. From the first response it was discovered that an advert like the Compare the market adverts are very memorable because of the character and catchphrase associated with the advert itself. The meerkat within the advert is something that everyone knows and whenever the catchphrase 'Simples' is mentioned, everyone instantly knows what the person is talking about. From the research we discovered that a really effective advert is one that will be remembered by the target audience so that if they have need of the product or service they will be able to remember the advert and then make use of it.

Also discovered from the research was that radio adverts aren't very effective as most people find that the adverts are only remembered for being annoying.

To conclude, from the research we have found that in order to create a successful television and radio advert we need to make sure that the adverts are funny and memorable to the target audience without being memorable for their annoyance.

Friday 29 January 2010

Research - Institutional Values

This is a company that produces Television adverts for different companies in order to advertise the companies products. They can create any advert that will be shown on the tv. For example, they can create sponsorship sequences, red button ads, ads that are not for profit and conventional television adverts. They will create adverts for any company but they have to follow the guidelines of Advertising Standards that have been set by the government so they are not allowed to include any explicit footage within their adverts. As they are a popular professional advertising company they aim to help advertisers get the best out of modern television.

Thinkbox About Us Page -

They claim that they are the UK's biggest and best radio advertising agency. In looking at what they actually do they start all their sentences with the word 'We.' This shows that they are a company that will actively pursue the clients desired final advert and complete to fit the clients objectives. They state that they make 10% of all UK radio ads. Considering the size and population of the UK this percentage is quite large. Listening to a few of their adverts that they have featured on their site you can hear that each advert has been professionally made and fully advertises the product.

Radioville Website -

Thursday 28 January 2010

Research - Questionnaire Results Analysis

Questionnaire Results Analysis
I asked 20 people to fill in a question about advertising. The questionnaire featured questions that mainly addressed TV and Radio adverts because that links in with the assignment brief. From the questionnaire results I asked slightly more males than females but as the questionnaire was to just find out if people remembered some adverts better than others it didn't matter too much about having an even number of males to females.

I discovered from Question 4 that the majority of respondents watch either a lot of television or a fair amount. This shows that respondents are guaranteed to be exposed to advertising at some point during their viewing time. Also I found through the results that even though the majority of respondents answered that they do listen to the radio most of them actually find radio advertising annoying because it interferes with them listening to music. This means that my radio advert needs to contain music and have content that will appeal to radio listeners so that they don't find the advert annoying to listen to.

The television adverts that are often the most memorable are the ones that either have an annoying song within it or some strange content. For example, a couple of people said the Go Compare advert and the Evian Baby Dancing advert were adverts that remember well. The Go Compare advert has an annoying song within it that seems to get into your head so that you can't forget the advert or product/service. As long as the advert is in your mind then the product would sell because potential customers would be unable to forget it. The Evian Baby Dancing advert contains both a catchy song and strange content and audiences seem unable to forget it. From the respondents I also learned that they believe that Television advertising is the most effective. Combining the results from question 4 with question 13 shows that TV is easily going to be the most effective medium of advertising because of the amount of time people actually spend watching television.

My questionnaire was very helpful in discovering what the public believe is the best form of advertising and the majority gave the answer that I believed would be the most popular. From the results I have also learned what needs to be done to ensure that a radio advert is successful and the target audience don't instantly dismiss it when they hear it. The sponsorship sequence needs to be entertaining and memorable so that it stays with the target audience long after the sequence has finished. Remembering the findings from my questionnaire will ensure that I create entertaining adverts that will help to effectively promote the product in a successful advertising campaign.

Research - Baileys Sponsorship Sequences

Baileys Sponsorship Sequences
These sponsorship sequences all contain the same elements that eventually link to the slogan of the product. All of the sequences contain a man and a woman who romantically embrace and then move in for a kiss. At the last second of each sequence the woman is shown tilting her head to avoid the kiss and instead bringing a glass of the product up to drink instead. These sequences link to the product's slogan of 'Listen to your Lips' as the women decide that they want to drink the product instead of kiss the man that they have just embraced. The sequences clearly show the product in each one so that the audience definitely knows what the sequence is advertising. As the product is sponsoring a film channel each sequence is based upon a scene that you would be likely to see in a romantic film. This shows that the actual item of the sponsoring can be used effectively to create a link between the product and sponsored item to help effectively advertise the product better.

These sequences are clearly aimed at women over the age of 18 as the product is an alcoholic beverage. The sequences can be seen to be aimed at women because of the women that hold all the power in each sequence. People who also might be influenced into buying this product are people who decide to do as the slogan suggests and 'Listen to their Lips.' The sponsored item may also contribute to selling the product as people who watch the films shown on the sponsored channel might be influenced into buying the product through just seeing the sequences at the start and finish of each advert that occurs within the film they are watching.

Baileys Sponsorship Sequences - Go to Baileys

Research - Rowntrees Fruit Pastilles Sponsorship Sequences

Rowntrees Fruit Pastilles Sponsorship Sequences
These sponsorship sequences all contains a person who can do amazing things and shows them doing these in front of people. A person during each sequence then holds up the product and states the slogan of 'OK but I bet you can't put a fruit pastille in your mouth without chewing it.' These sequences would be effective as people may find themselves attempting to take the challenge that the slogan suggests. As the advert also contains many people of different ages and ethnic backgrounds it suggests that the advert is actually aimed at everyone. This is an effective targeting strategy as it doesn't limit the product down to just one target audience. Instead the wide range of advertising for the product helps to sell the product to it's target audience of everyone.

As I have stated above, the product doesn't seem to have a specific target audience. Instead the product seems to target everyone due to the content showing people of different generations and ethnic backgrounds. People who may also buy this product could be willing to attempt the challenge that the slogan suggest in trying to eat the product without chewing it.

Rowntrees Fruit Pastilles Sponsorship Sequences - Go to Rowntrees Fruit Pastilles.

Research - Lilt Television Sponsorship Sequences

Lilt Television Sponsorship Sequences
These sponsorship sequences all consist of a parrot talking in a stereotypical male Reggae Jamaican accent. The parrot talks of how he is the new face of Lilt and is seen talking into a microphone and walking on a piano. He mentions the product at least once in each sequence so that the audience is always sure of what is sponsoring the program that they are watching. The sponsorship sequences are effective as they all clearly show the product so that there sponsorship campaign will effective help to sell there product. The sequences display a clear reference to Jamaica by the showing of a Jamaican map and the use of Reggae music that is always stereotypically displayed when referencing the country. This reference does help to create a tropical feel to the advert that links with the product itself.

The audience that this product is aimed would generally be younger men and women that belong to working to middle class societies. This is because the music and content of the sequences would appeal to a younger generation of these classes better than an older generation. People buying also buying this product also could have been influenced by the actual word content that describes the product. The parrot describes the tropical fruit flavourings that are contained within the product and this helps towards influencing the audience into buying the product.

Lilt Television Sponsorship Sequences - Go to Lilt Sponsorship.

Research - Marmite - Our Tune Radio Advert

Marmite - Our Tune Radio Advert
This advert was designed to be funny and has a comical element to it. There is only one voice present within the advert and that voice is from a male. The voice tells a sad story of two people who fell in love and lived horribly but happy lives together until the female he is describing discovers that her husband doesn't like the product that is being advertised. In the final seconds of the advert there is the theme tune 'My Mate Marmite' that is associated with the product. The jolly tune creates a contrast to the sad non-diegetic background music and this contrast helps to create a comical element that will entertain listeners and encourage them to buy the product.

This advert is aimed at anyone who enjoys Marmite as the product is famous for it's 'You either Love it or Hate it' slogan. You can also say that the product is aimed at the people who do the weekly shop as it is a product that you would find people buying when they shop. Others who could also buy this product could be people who have never actually tried the product and are curious as to which side of the slogan they fall in.

Marmite - Our Tune Radio Advert - Go to number 17 to find the radio advert.

Research - Jaffa Cakes - Pack Your Bags Radio Advert

Jaffa Cakes - Pack your Bags Radio Advert
This radio advert was designed to be funny and use popular elements from modern culture in order to help sell their product. Within the advert there are references to the reality show Big Brother, the football world cup and the England football team. They even have input from the England midfielder Steven Gerrard at the end of the advert to really help sell their product to their target audience. There are three voice heard within the advert. The first voice you hear is a quiet female voice that answers a phone and appears to be confused as to what is happening during the advert. The second voice you hear is a strong male voice that claims to be a spin off of Big Brother called Jaffa Cake. Lastly at the end of the advert you hear the voice of Steven Gerrard who delivers the line linking the World Cup and Jaffa Cakes. The use of a well known football player's voice helps to influence the audience because he is attempting to help sell an already popular product.

This advert is generally aimed to all fans of football as the advert clearly provides references to the Fifa Wold Cup and the England football team. The use of a popular footballer's voice helps to enforce this link and sell the product as the footballer's voice is used at the end to recite the slogan that has been chosen to feature within the advert.

Jaffa Cakes Radio Advert

Wednesday 27 January 2010

Individual Research Schedule

Complete New Media Technology and Create Questionnaire - 27th January

Continue Secondary Research - 28th January

Complete Questionnaire Results analysis - 28th January

Continue Institutional Values Work - 28th January

Complete Secondary Research and Institutional Values Work - 29th January

Complete all Research Work - 29th January

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Research - John West Advert Analysis

This advert was created to advertise their salmon product. The advert contains a non-diegetic voice over that explains about how the company only wants the best ingredients for the product while a man fights a grizzly bear in the background to get a salmon. The advert was designed to be humorous while demonstrating that the company only want the best for their potential customers. This advert was voted as one of the top 20 adverts of the decade on the advertising website Thinkbox.

Thinkbox 'Top 20 Adverts of the Decade' In: Thinkbox Website ( Accessed on 28th January.

The advert is very funny to watch as it borders on the impossible so it amuses viewers and the voice over explains the reasons behind the content of the advert. This is a clever way of creating an advert as the voice over ensures that the viewers will not get confused by the content of the advert. As the male voice providing the voice over is talking in a calm and collect manner it creates a comical atmosphere within the advert because the voice appears to understand that people from John West have to go through fighting grizzly bears on a regular basis to provide for their customers.

This advert is aimed mainly at the adults who do the weekly shop for their household. The advert explains how they only use fresh ingredients for their product so it would encourage shoppers to buy it because they are assured that they are buying a product that is guaranteed to be fresh.

John West Advert

Research - Guinness Advert Analysis

This advert didn’t actually show the product at all until the end. The advert was based purely around the Slogan for the product instead of the product itself. The advert consists of several men bringing the world to live.

Mise en Scene
Lots of different locations that are all outside.
Breathtaking scenery – Waterfalls, Oceans, Snowy Fields next to a forest.
Lots of different colours.
Nature is shown to its full extent.

This advert is aimed at middle aged and older men that work hard for a living as this type of man is shown within the advert. These men are shown to “bring the world to life” which is rewarded with the feeling of accomplishment that comes from working hard. The actual product is only shown for five seconds at the end of the advert. This shows that you don’t actually have to fully involve the product within the advert for it to be effective.

This advert is generally aimed towards men aged over 25 that would feature within the working class area of society. This is shown by the men that are featured within the advert. They are shown to work hard and create amazing scenes that they reward with the product. The men who would buy this product would be able to relate to the men in the advert and feel that they have worked hard enough to feel that they deserve the product as a reward.

Guinness Advert

Research - New Media Technology

This is a video editing software that is designed to be of easier access and use than other video editing software such as Final Cut and Avid. This software enable Mac users to effectively edit their videos at home.

iMovie New Features
Apple 'iMovie Version 9 New Features' In: Apple Website ( Accessed on: 27th January 2010.

Sony A1E Palm Camcorder
This a small camcorder with HD capabilities that Sony boasts has lots of advanced features available for professional users.

Sony Corporation 'Features for Sony HVR-A1E Palm Camcorder' In: Sony Website( Accessed on: 26th January 2010.

This camera will allow use to incorporate the use of High Definition in our filming and the quality of the footage will be to a professional standard. As the camera is small it will allow us to have more freedom when we choose a space to film as we will be able to film in smaller areas as the size of the camera will not hamper that decision.

Final Cut Pro
This is editing software that is widely used within the professional film and television industry. It has many features that allow for the creation of a professional piece of work. The software is capable of producing videos in formats such as DV, HDV and more.

Editing Tools
Apple 'Final Cut Pro Editing Tools' In: Apple Website ( Accessed on 27th January 2010.Zoom MP3 Recorder
This is a portable MP3 recorder that can be useful for recording meetings, voice overs, interviews and events. It comes with a really large memory capacity so it is very useful for long recordings.

Zoom MP3 Recorder Features
Anon 'Zoom MP3 Recorder Features' In: Advanced MP3 Players Website ( Accessed on 28th January 2010.

Digidesign Pro Tools
This is described as one of the most advanced audio creation and production software that exists today. It is widely used by professionals throughout audio industries for recording and editing in music and film production. It is also used within the post production process within film and television.

Pro Tools Features
Digidesign/Avid 'Pro Tools 8 Overview' In: Digidesign Website ( Accessed on 28th January 2010.

Soundtrack Pro
This is a music composing and audio editing application that allows access to over 5000 royalty free professional instrument loops and sound effects. It will be extremely useful when we come to include sound effects and music within our adverts.

Soundtrack Pro Features
Apple 'Soundtrack Pro 3' In: Apple Website ( Accessed on 28th January 2010.

Friday 22 January 2010

Group Production Schedule

Group Production Schedule
22nd January – Continue with individual and group research.

29th January – Finish individual and group research.

5th February – Begin writing treatment and outline initial ideas.

12th February – Begin writing all scripts storyboards and shot lists.

19th February – Finished first drafts of scripts storyboards, shot lists and started location recce and costume planning.

26nd February – Finalise all planning work.

5th March – Begin filming main task.

12th March – Continue filming main task.

19th March – Finalise main task.

26th March – Begin recording and filming Ancillary texts.

2nd April – Continue recording and filming Ancillary texts.

9th April – Finalise Ancillary texts and begin evaluation.

16th April – Continue evaluation.

23rd April – Continue evaluation.

30th April – Finish evaluation and hand in complete project.

Friday 15 January 2010

Research - Cross-Media Advertising

The definition of Cross-Media Advertising is using several different types of media to advertise one product in different formats.

Using multiple types of media while advertising a product helps to widen the exposure range to the target audience. For example, carphone warehouse advertises through the television and the radio at the same time to maximise the coverage of their advertising campaign.

Lucozade use the sponsorship that they have with the reality show Big Brother in conjunction with adverts on television in order to fully advertise their products across the market. Lucozade use the popularity of their sponsored show to fully advertise their product by attempting it make it appeal to the shows audience. They also use Television adverts to advertise their product on all channels so that they can use the popularity of Big Brother for their sponsorship sequences and they can use the television adverts for the viewers that don't watch Big Brother.

Anonymous 'Definition of Cross-Media Advertising' In: PC Mag Encyclopedia (,2542,t=cross+media&i=40493,00.asp) Accessed on: 15th January 2010.

Thinkbox 'Lucozade Sponsorship Sequences' In: Thinkbox TV Sponsorship Gallery ( Accessed on: 22nd January 2010.

Tuesday 12 January 2010

Research - Advertising In General

Advertising is a form of communication intended to persuade its viewers. readers or listeners to take some action. Adverts usually include the name of a product or service and explains in what way the product or service can benefit the customer.

There are many different types of advertising and almost any medium can be used to advertise a product or service. Advertisements can be shown on any surface such as buildings, bus shelters, banners and many more. Adverts can also be shown through the use of the media. These are television, radio, print, cinemas, online advertising and any other type of media.

Media Methods of Advertising
Television adverts are the most popular form of media advertising as people of any age can sit down and watch a television. The majority of television adverts come with a jingle that is designed to stay with the target audience and remind them of the product in a bid to get them to buy the product or service.

Radio adverts are restricted to advertising purely by sound alone so they have to be catchy and entertaining to listen too. Therefore, radio adverts almost certainly contain music that will stay with the audience long after the advert has ended.

Print adverts are shown through the visual medium of newspapers, magazines or trade journals. Print advertisements can be shown in a small local scale to a national scale depending on the desired range the product that is being advertised.

Online advertising use the Internet and World Wide Web to accomplish the desired effect of delivering advertising messages to it's target audience. Online adverts can be seen as banner ads, search engine results, spam emails and more.

Toys provide a wide range of marketing items but die to the current economic state it wouldn't be the best product to advertise as most working class and some middle class families may be unable to afford the product so the advertising campaign would be unsuccessful.

Cars and Electrical items would not be easy to advertise as we have to create the actual product that we are going to show. We would be unable to build a prototype car or electrical item within the allotted time.

As we would have to create our own product to advertise it would be difficult create a new item of clothing and successfully advertise it as most clothes lines advertise more than one item of clothing in one advert. In order to create a successful advertising campaign we would have to create more than one piece of clothing and it would take too long.

With travel we would have to actually show the destination that we are advertising in order to be convincing. We don't have a large enough budget to allow to find an original destination and successfully advertise it.

Confectionery would most likely be the best product to advertise as there is a wide range of products in that area with new products emerging all the time. We would be able to create a product easily and successfully create an advertising campaign. Sweets also appeal to most people so creating a successful advert would be the easiest to do using a confectionery product.